Vijaya (Cannabis Sativa Linn.): An Overview of the Indian Regulatory Landscape

Before we swim to the depth of laws surrounding Cannabis-based medicines, please note that all Ayurvedic medicines manufactured by GUSTAVO- are licensed under the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 under the AYUSH laws and guidelines. Our products are manufactured under License No. in

Madhya Pradesh under the state AYUSH department.

Now, let us dive into the regulatory landscape around Cannabis a.k.a. Vijaya, in India. Vijaya has been an integral part of India’s culture and history. For centuries this plant was used for medical and nutritional purposes. Some treatments include pain & spasms, insomnia, suppression of nausea & vomiting, digestion, and vitality, amongst others. Therapeutic uses of Vijaya and its formulations are mentioned in popular Ayurvedic texts such as Bhavprakash Nighantu, Nighantu Adarsh, Shodhal Nighantu, etc. However, globally in the 19th century, Cannabis was classified as a narcotic drug. Medicines made out of Cannabis, came to be strictly regulated in countries all over the world. In India, Cannabis in medicines was first regulated by The Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930, and now Cannabis leaf derived medicines are regulated by The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (DCA).

So what is allowed and what is not?

“Cannabis” has been defined in section 2(iii) of NDPS Act, 1985 as: –

(a) ganja, that is, the flowering or fruiting tops of the cannabis plant (excluding the seeds and leaves when not accompanied by the tops), by whatever name they may be known or designated;

(b) charas, that is, the separated resin, in whatever form, whether crude or purified, obtained from the cannabis plant and also includes concentrated preparation and resin known

as hashish oil or liquid hashish; and

(c) any mixture, with or without any neutral material, of any of the above forms of cannabis or any drink, prepared therefrom;

Reading the above definition elucidates the narcotic parts of the Cannabis plant. Implying seeds and leaves (when not accompanied by the fruiting tops) are non-narcotic and fall outside the purview of the act. GUSTAVO, in line with this requirement, manufactures all products using the Vijaya seeds and/or the leaves (popularly known as ‘Bhang’) as ingredients. Therefore, Ayurvedic medicines that contain Bhang and/or Vijaya seeds as an ingredient, are not regulated as narcotic drugs under NDPS Act.

While we understand the social stigma attached to the core ingredient of our product, we would like to clarify that our products are for therapeutic, medical and nutritional purposes only.

Note: Ayurvedic medicines for oral consumption made from ‘Bhang’ (Cannabis leaves) should always be taken under medical supervision only against a valid prescription issued by a registered medical practitioner.

Note: This is a prescription-based product

We can’t ship this product without a prescription, if you already have a prescription for medical cannabis less than 3 months old then please email the same with your order number to

Product description :

Vijaya Ambrosia is a THC rich (4:1) ayurvedic medicine which contains a powerful mixture of cannabis leaf extract and MCT oil. It consist of anti-infammatory and immunosuppressive properties, which can be used to relieve

Note: This is a prescription-based product

We can’t ship this product without a prescription, if you already have a prescription for medical cannabis less than 3 months old then please email the same with your order number to

For pain: CB1 receptors are located in the sensory nerve endings in your skin that detect pain. They are also located in the areas of your brain such as the amygdala that control how you feel pain and emotions. By activating CB1 receptors, THC causes a variety of changes in your nervous system, resulting in a decreased sensation of unbearable pain and reduced mood swings.

Anti emetic : effect of cannabinoids has been confirmed to be mediated by CB1 receptors and CB2 receptor antagonism has been shown to block the antiemetic action of 2 AG. which infers CB2 ensures anti-vomiting action as well. For anti-tumor growth: Experimental studies have shown that the activation of CB receptors by cannabinoids is antitumorigenic in nature in most cases. It is known to inhibit tumor cell proliferation, Induction of apoptosis in-vitro and blocks angiogenesis and tumor invasion/metastasis in vivo.

*The ratio is an estimate as per overall results seen till now, can differ batch to batch

Composition :

Cannabis sativa Linn. Of (THC Rich Vijaya Leaf Extract) 30% Cocos nucifera 70%

Health Benefits :

The many potential benefits of using Vijaya Ambrosia


  • Relief from physical pain and inflammation
  • Improved cognitive abilities, such as memory and focus
  • Increased relaxation and stress relief
  • Reduced anxiety and depression symptoms
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Increased appetite and digestion
  • Improved immune system function
  • Reduced nausea and vomiting
  • Sti mulated creativity

Recommended Dosage:

Have 12 to 15 drops as one complete dosage at a time. 30 ml bottle contains 900 drops approx. Hence 60 servings

Properties :

  • Chronic painkiller
  • Reduces edema
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Brings down swelling and sensitization


(1:4 cbd:thc)

Safety and precautions :

This medicine contains Vijaya leaf Extracts and other ayurvedic herbs. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients,

DO NOT consume this drug without a prescription.

Kindly consult your doctor before taking this drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Keep away from Children.

DO NOT consume Alcohol while under Vijaya leaf extract-containing medication.


May increase the heart rate or cause high Blood Pre ssure

Note: This is a prescription-based product

We can’t ship this product without a prescription, if you already have a prescription for medical cannabis less than 3 months old then please email the same with your order number to

Note: This is a prescription-based product

We can’t ship this product without a prescription, if you already have a prescription for medical cannabis less than 3 months old then please email the same with your order number to


Vijaya Amrit is a CBD rich medicine used as a therapeutic agent to treat Psychiatric disorders like Insomnia, Depression and Stress. The formulation contains pure

extract of a multipurpose, powerful herb Vijaya (Medical Cannabis). It is also used as a painkiller due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

How It Works

For pain: A study demonstrated that CBD diminished serum levels of pro-inflammatory factors interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and increases levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin 10 (IL-10). Studies have also shown that CBD helps to reduce chronic pain and anxious trepidations by affecting endocannabinoid receptor activity, reducing inflammation, and interacting with neurotransmitters present in the body.

For anxiety and stress: CBD has robust anxiolytic effects without anxiogenic effects at higher doses. Human studies show high doses of oral CBD reduces anxiety in individuals. A review published in 2018 concluded that CBD has anti-stress effects, which may reduce depression related to stress. The body produces endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in your nervous system. The decrease in GABA level is the reason for stress. CBD improves the level of GABA, by which it releases signals for sleep too. It also reduces the level of stress by maintaining the norepinephrine & serotonin levels in the brain which are directly related with anxiety & fear.

*The ratio is an estimate as per overall results seen till now, can differ batch to batch

Recommended Dosage & Number of drops: Have 8 to 10 drops as one complete dosage at a time. 15 ml bottle contains 450 drops approx. Hence 45 servings


Cannabis sativa Linn. Of (CBD Rich Vijaya Leaf Extract) 13.33% Cocos nucifera 86.67%


(4:1 cbd:thc) cbd rich cbd oil – 133mg/ml

How it works :

For pain: A study demonstrated that CBD diminished serum levels of pro-inflammatory factors interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and increases levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin 10 (IL-10). Studies have also shown that CBD helps to reduce chronic pain and anxious trepidations by affecting endocannabinoid receptor activity, reducing inflammation, and interacting with neurotransmitters present in the body.

For anxiety and stress: CBD has robust anxiolytic effects without anxiogenic effects at higher doses. Human studies show high doses of oral CBD reduce anxiety in individuals. A review published in 2018 concluded that CBD has anti-stress effects, which may reduce depression related to stress. The body produces endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in your

nervous system. The decrease in GABA levels is the reason for stress. CBD improves the level of GABA, by which it releases signals for sleep too. It also reduces the level of stress by maintaining the norepinephrine & serotonin levels in the brain which are directly related to anxiety & fear.

*The ratio is an estimate as per overall results seen till now, which can differ from batch to batch

Pain Aid Tincture (For oral consumption):

Pain Aid Tincture , is an Ayurvedic formulation which contains a powerful mixture of Medical cannabis leaf extract and hemp seed oil. Owing to their anti-inflammatory and

nervous system. The decrease in GABA levels is the reason for stress. CBD improves the level of GABA, by which it releases signals for sleep too. It also reduces the level of stress by maintaining the norepinephrine & serotonin levels in the brain which are directly related to anxiety & fear.

*The ratio is an estimate as per overall results seen till now, which can differ from batch to batch

Pain Aid Tincture (For oral consumption):

Pain Aid Tincture , is an Ayurvedic formulation which contains a powerful mixture of Medical cannabis leaf extract and hemp seed oil. Owing to their anti-inflammatory and

antioxidant properties, the ingredients aid in the decrease of inflammation and discomfort.

Due to its analgesic properties, they also decrease any type of pain that people may be experiencing. Headaches, period cramps, body aches from excessive training, migraine attacks, nerve pain, joint or muscle soreness are all types of pain that the oral medicine can help with. Oral ingestion also helps with insomnia, depression, and anxiety by soothing the body’s cannabinoid receptors.

Product Benefits:

  • Reduces chronic pain
  • Reduces edema, and hypersensitivity by balancing Vata Dosha.
  • Reduces stress and helps with insomnia
  • Manages depression and anxiety


It is recommended that one starts low and slowly increases the dosage overtime.

1drop= 0.05ml or as directed by the physician

Mechanism of action of active ingredient:

Cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are two vital and active components of medical cannabis (THC). THC, one of the active components in cannabis, activates the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors.

Injured tissues produce 2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycerol (2-AG), anandamide, and endocannabinoids, which are known to reduce sensitization and inflammation by activating cannabinoid (CB) receptors.

CBD and THC both help to alleviate pain at the injured site.

THCs have anti-inflammatory qualities because they activate CB2 receptors on immune cells, which reduces the body’s pain-inducing response to damage. CBD, on the other hand, decreases inflammation by inhibiting inflammatory mediators and switching pro-inflammatory macrophage repair cells to anti-inflammatory ones.


It is recommended that one should start with minimal dose and slowly increase the dosage overtime, or as directed by your physician.

• Fill the tincture and Squeeze the tincture under the tongue,

make sure to keep a count on the drops consumed as per your recommended dosage.
• Hold the drops under the tongue for 60 to 90 seconds.
• Post waiting period, swallow the oil.
Holding the oil beneath your tongue allows it to be absorbed by your mucous membranes and sublingual gland, through which it can enter the bloodstream and begin showing its effects.

Average treatment period is for at least 90 days, accordingly post 1 month you can decide what best suits you

*Made in mind keeping average person, may very body to body.

For better result:

Cannabis products help with neuropathic pain, arthritis pain and multiple sclerosis as well. To enhance your CBD oil experience for pain, you can add the following activities to your daily routine:

– To relieve pain and inflammation, you can use topical cannabis products directly onto the involved site, such as Arthritis Pain Relief Oil or Menstrual Pain Relief Oil.

– Applying both cold and hot compresses to the painful and affected are will provide relief by penetrating deeply into the muscles and tissues. You’ll get the finest results if you exercise twice daily.

– People with fibromyalgia, arthritis or chronic pain have been reported to benefit from gentle cardio workouts like walking, cycling, and swimming.

Important Information:


This medicine contains Cannabis and other ayurvedic herbs. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, DO NOT consume this drug without prescription.

Kindly consult your doctor before taking this drug during pregnancy or breast-feeding.

Keep away from Children.

DO NOT consume Alcohol while under Cannabis containing medication.


A Doctor’s Prescription is required to purchase this product.

We have Doctors on board that will help you arrive at a Prescription. Furthermore, Our Doctors are happy to hear you out and guide towards which product and dosage will be best for you.

Pain Aid Capsules: Pain Killers

For chronic pain, sleep, anxiety, depression in capsules form for oral dosage

(10 no’s (1500mg,150mg/capsule)

Pain aid Capsules is an Ayurvedic formulation which contains a powerful mixture of Vijaya leaf extract and hemp seed oil. The constituents help in reduction of edema and inflammation due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. They also suppress any kind of pain experienced by people due to their analgesic effects. Types of pain on which medicine works are; headaches, period cramps, body aches due to excessive training, migraine attack, nerve pain, joint or muscle soreness. The capsules also work by calming the

Pain Aid Capsules: Pain Killers

For chronic pain, sleep, anxiety, depression in capsules form for oral dosage

(10 no’s (1500mg,150mg/capsule)

Pain aid Capsules is an Ayurvedic formulation which contains a powerful mixture of Vijaya leaf extract and hemp seed oil. The constituents help in reduction of edema and inflammation due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. They also suppress any kind of pain experienced by people due to their analgesic effects. Types of pain on which medicine works are; headaches, period cramps, body aches due to excessive training, migraine attack, nerve pain, joint or muscle soreness. The capsules also work by calming the

cannabinoid receptors of the body to help with insomnia, depression and anxiety.

Product Benefits:


  • Levels Vata Dosha
  • Anti-inflammatory Action
  • Reduces Chronic pain
  • Brings down swelling & sensitization
  • Manages depression
  • Enhances sleep
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Mechanism of action of active ingredient:
  • Medical Cannabis exerts its action via two vital and active components, cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC,one of the active ingredients in cannabis, activates cannabinoid receptors type 1 and 2 i.e CB1 and CB2 receptors.
  •  2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycerol (2-AG), anandamide and
  • endocannabinoids are produced in injured tissues via distinct biochemical pathways that are known to suppress sensitization and inflammation by activation of cannabinoid (CB) receptors.
  • The compounds in Vijaya ultimately attach to cannabinoid receptors in the brain when someone drinks These receptors have the ability to alter mental equilibrium and produce euphoric effects. Some persons experience a decrease in depression symptoms as a result of this change.
  • CBD and THC, reduce pain at the site of injury.The anti-inflammatory properties of THCs are primarily driven via activation of CB2 receptors on immune cells which ultimately dampens the body’s pain-inducing response to injury. Whereas, CBD reduces inflammation via blocking inflammatory mediators & shifting the activation of macrophage repair cells from the pro-inflammatory type to the anti-inflammatory type.

For best results –

For stress & anxiety :

Work out 4–5 times per week. This enhance your body’s serotonin levels can assist you to deal with anxiety and depressive mind patterns.

Breathing exercises help regulate hormones which in turn help reduce stress. The 4-7-8 breathing technique, also known as “relaxing breath,” involves breathing in for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds. One should Do this for 5 minutes twice a day or whenever you feel burdened by stress.

Eating a wholesome, nutrient-rich diet and avoiding highly processed foods will help in the long run to lower anxiety, sadness and other mind illness.

Meditating for 15 minutes twice daily will help you curb your anxiety and depression. We recommend meditating right after taking this tincture, as you will start to feel the effects of the medicine as you come out of your meditation.

Dosage: 1-2 capsules TID or as directed by your physician

Important information:

Store in a cool dry place, away from heat and light.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Keep out of reach of children and pets.

Not safe for pregnant or breast-feeding women.

Contains Vijaya extract (Cannabinoids).

We can’t ship this product without a prescription, if you already have a prescription for medical cannabis less than 3 months old then pls email the same with your order number at